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Houston Oil Rig Accident Lawyers

At The Law Offices of Hilda Sibrian™, Houston oil rig accident lawyers help victims of workplace injuries get the maximum compensation they deserve by law. Hilda Sibrian® and her legal team have over 20 years of experience assisting Latino workers in obtaining justice for their accident cases.

We'll explain crucial aspects related to injuries on oil rigs on this page:

  • How much can our oil rig accident attorneys in Houston get for you?
  • Common causes of accidents on oil platforms
  • How does the law protect oil platform accident victims?
  • What should I do after an oil platform accident?

First off, there are two essential things you should know right away:

  • Suppose you're a victim of an oil rig accident. In that case, regardless of your immigration status, you have the right to claim compensation.
  • When you hire The Law Offices of Hilda Sibrian™, you don't have to pay us out of your pocket. We only receive a percentage of the final compensation that you're awarded.

If you or a loved one has suffered a workplace injury on an oil rig, contact us today to book your free consultation. We're available 24/7.

Houston Oil Rig Accident Lawyers

Kind to You, Aggressive to Insurance Companies.

At The Law Offices of Hilda Sibrian™, we treat you with compassion while aggressively fighting insurance companies on your behalf. Contact us for a free consultation in Houston.

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Hilda Sibrian & Bryan Sibrian

How Much Can Our Oil Rig Accident Attorneys in Houston Get for You?

Compensation for a workplace accident isn't just about covering immediate or apparent costs but also ensuring that the injured worker can cope with the long-term consequences these injuries might have on their life.

However, there's no specific amount for workers' compensation. Each case is different, so each injured worker is paid differently. But to calculate the final amount, two factors usually prove essential:

  1. The severity of the injuries. The severity of the injuries suffered is the most critical factor, as it determines immediate medical costs and long-term needs for rehabilitation, special care, or future surgeries.
  2. Length of time unable to work. This factor refers to when the injured worker cannot return to work due to the injuries. Compensation aims to cover lost wages during this time. Suppose the injuries result in permanent disability, preventing the worker from returning to any form of employment. In that case, compensation may also include an estimate of future lost wages.

The final compensation is calculated by adding various benefits based on these essential factors. Among the main benefits that may be included in compensation for a workplace injury are:

  • Medical expenses: Medical costs can vary widely depending on the nature of the injuries. They include everything from initial emergency and hospitalization costs to specialized treatments, medications, and any required medical procedures for recovery. Compensation aims to ensure that the injured worker doesn't have to bear these costs out of their pocket.
  • Rehabilitation expenses: Rehabilitation is essential for regaining mobility and functionality after a severe accident. This aspect of compensation covers physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and other forms of rehabilitation necessary to maximize the worker's recovery.
  • Pain and suffering: This benefit recognizes the emotional and psychological impact of the accident and injuries on the worker, compensating for physical pain, emotional trauma, anxiety, depression, and other psychological suffering experienced.
  • Loss of consortium: Compensation is offered to the injured worker's family members for the loss of companionship, emotional support, and affection, acknowledging the impact of the injuries on personal relationships. It mainly falls on the victim's romantic partner.
How Much Can Our Oil Rig Accident Attorneys in Houston Get for You?

Common Causes of Accidents on Oil Platforms

Accidents on oil platforms can occur due to various factors. Some common causes include:

1. Equipment failure

Malfunctioning or improperly maintained equipment such as drills, pumps, or safety systems can lead to accidents.

2. Human error

Workers' mistakes due to fatigue, lack of training, or miscommunication can result in accidents.

3. Hazardous conditions

Working in extreme weather conditions, such as storms or high winds, can increase the risk of accidents. Also, substances like oil and gas can be dangerous if improperly handled.

4. Falls

Working at heights on platforms or structures increases the risk of slipping or falls, especially if proper safety measures such as guardrails or harnesses are not in place.

5. Fires and explosions

The presence of flammable materials such as oil and gas combined with ignition sources can lead to fires and explosions, causing severe injuries or fatalities.

6. Transportation accidents

Adverse weather conditions or mechanical failures can cause accidents involving helicopters, boats, or other vehicles used for transportation to and from the platform.

7. Structural failures

Damage to the platform's structure from natural disasters or wear and tear can result in collapses or structural failures, leading to accidents.

8. Chemical exposure

Exposure to hazardous chemicals used in drilling or production processes can cause health issues or injuries to workers if proper safety protocols are not followed.

Common Injuries of Oil Platform Accidents

Oil platform accidents can result in various injuries due to the hazardous nature of the work environment. Some common injuries include:

  1. Burns and Scalds: Exposure to flammable materials such as oil and gas can lead to burns and scalds, which can range from minor to severe, depending on the extent of exposure.
  2. Fractures and Broken Bones: Falls from heights or accidents involving heavy equipment can cause fractures and broken bones, which may require immediate medical attention and rehabilitation.
  3. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): Head injuries resulting from falls, being struck by objects, or explosions can cause traumatic brain injuries, which can have long-term effects on cognitive function and overall health.
  4. Spinal Cord Injuries: Accidents involving falls or impacts can lead to spinal cord injuries, which may result in paralysis or other neurological deficits.
  5. Crush Injuries: Workers can suffer crush injuries if caught between heavy machinery or equipment, leading to severe tissue damage and potential loss of limb function.
  6. Respiratory Problems: Exposure to toxic gasses, fumes, or chemicals on oil platforms can cause respiratory issues such as lung damage, chemical pneumonia, or respiratory distress.
  7. Drowning: Working near water or offshore increases the risk of drowning in the event of a fall overboard or a vessel capsizing during transportation to and from the platform.
  8. Soft Tissue Injuries: Sprains, strains, and other soft tissue injuries can occur due to repetitive motion, overexertion, or sudden movements while working on the platform.
  9. Eye Injuries: Contact with hazardous materials, flying debris, or chemical splashes can cause eye injuries ranging from minor irritation to permanent vision loss.
  10. Psychological Trauma: Witnessing or experiencing traumatic events such as explosions or accidents can lead to psychological trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety disorders.

How Does the Law Protect Oil Platform Accident Victims?

The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act is the federal law regulating the exploration, production, and marketing of oil and gas on offshore oil platforms. Among the rules contained in this document is the obligation for any owner, lessee, and operator of a platform to:

  • Maintain all workplaces within the lease area in compliance with occupational safety and health standards and free from recognized hazards for employees.
  • Maintain all operations in compliance with regulations to protect individuals on the outer continental shelf.

In Texas, regarding workplace injuries, the Department of Labor establishes that anyone who suffers injuries on oil platforms due to non-compliance with these standards has the right to file a legal action to claim fair compensation.

A worker injured on an oil platform must have the guidance of a truly expert legal team to claim the maximum compensation they are entitled to by law.

How Does the Law Protect Oil Platform Accident Victims?

What Should I Do After an Oil Platform Accident?

If you've been involved in an accident on an oil platform, it's essential to take the following steps:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health and safety should be your top priority. If you're injured, seek medical help immediately. Even if you don't think your injuries are severe, it's still a good idea to get checked by a medical professional.
  2. Report the Accident: Notify your supervisor or the appropriate person in charge of the platform about the accident as soon as possible. Make sure to provide details of what happened and any injuries sustained.
  3. Document the Accident: If possible, take photos of the accident scene, including any equipment involved and your injuries. Write down details of the accident, including the date, time, and names of any witnesses.
  4. Preserve Evidence: If equipment malfunctions or hazardous conditions contributed to the accident, try to preserve the evidence. Do not tamper with or alter anything at the accident scene.
  5. Follow Medical Advice: Follow all medical advice and treatment plans healthcare professionals provide. This may include attending follow-up appointments, taking prescribed medications, or undergoing rehabilitation.
  6. Notify Your Employer: Inform your employer about any time you must take off work due to an accident or injury. You should notify them in writing and keep a copy for your records.
  7. Please consult with a Lawyer: Consult our oil platform accident lawyers in Houston. We will be friendly to you but aggressive towards insurance companies. We'll root for the compensation you need.

Contact Our Top Houston Oilfield Injury Lawyers Now!

It's crucial to have the assistance of a legal firm experienced in oil platform accidents to get the maximum compensation for a workplace injury.

At The Law Offices of Hilda Sibrian™, we have over 20 years of experience helping Latino workers obtain the maximum compensation they're entitled to by law.

Our Houston oil rig accident lawyers from The Law Offices of Hilda Sibrian™ are ready to assist you with your case so you can recover from your injuries without worrying about money. Contact us today and book your free consultation. We're available every day of the year, at any time.

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