Broken Bones Caused by Car Accidents
Injuries from car accidents are common. In fact, there were 1,715,000 injury crashes reported to police in 2015, reports the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). One of the most common injuries from an accident is broken bones. If you have suffered broken bones in an accident caused by another party, you may be eligible to recover compensation through an injury claim.
Recovering the compensation you deserve is rarely ever easy. But an accident attorney in Houston at The Law Offices of Hilda Sibrian™ can help. Before you give us a call, check out our Car Accident Page. It will let you know what you need to do in every step of the legal process.
Call us today to schedule a free consultation: 713-714-1414.
What are the most commonly broken bones in accidents?
More than half of the patients who had bones broken in a motor vehicle accident sustained multiple fractures, according to a study of accident injuries. More specifically, of the injuries suffered in motor vehicle accident patients, researchers found that the location of fractures, going from most common to least common are:
1. Lower Extremity Fractures
Lower extremity fractures are the most common fractures resulting from car, truck, or motorcycle accidents. Common lower extremity fractures include:
- Hip fractures
- Femur fractures
- Patella fractures
- Tibia fractures
- Ankle fractures
These fractures can occur if the legs come into contact with a hard surface in the car (e.g., the dashboard, door, etc.).
Treatment depends on the location and severity of the injury. Surgery may be necessary to implant devices to keep the bones properly aligned during the healing process.
On rare occasion, lower extremity fractures from motor vehicle accidents are so severe that amputation is necessary. Recovery can take anywhere from a few weeks to over a year, depending on the treatment.
2. Upper Extremity Fractures
Accidents commonly result in fractures in the arm, hand, wrist, shoulder, or elbow. These often occur when the airbag deploys or when the arm hits a hard surface in the car.
As with lower extremity fractures, treatment will depend on the location and severity of the injury. You might need to undergo surgery or wear a cast for an extended period of time.
Depending on the type of fracture, it could take weeks or months for the initial healing to take place. There could also be long-term loss of functional use of the arm after the break heals.
3. Facial and Jaw Fractures
Facial and jaw fractures commonly occur when the airbag deploys or the face comes into contact with something in the car (e.g., window, steering wheel, loose objects in the car).
Facial and jaw fractures can require fixation (e.g., wiring the jaw shut) or surgery. Hospitalization may be necessary depending on the location and severity of the fracture.
Additional specialists, such as an ear, nose, or throat specialist, a plastic surgeon, an ophthalmologist, or a neurosurgeon, may be necessary.
Recuperation depends on the location and severity of the fracture as well as side effects, such as infection, common with facial or jaw fractures.
4. Skull Fractures
Skull fractures are serious injuries. They can be life-threatening. Skull fractures require immediate medical treatment. They can result in traumatic brain injury (TBI), seizures, intracranial bleeding, stroke, paralysis, or death.
They frequently result in long-term or permanent medical impairments. Skull fractures can also cause personality changes that can be short-term, long-term, or permanent.
5. Spinal Fractures
Neck fractures, often caused by spinal trauma, are common accident injuries that can result in paralysis or death. No one but trained medical personnel should move a person with a suspected neck fracture. Immediate medical care is necessary. A person with a neck fracture might be unable to breathe without a breathing tube.
Professional emergency medical providers will usually immobilize the head and neck of the injured person, and stabilize the patient by starting an IV, inserting a breathing tube if the airway is obstructed, and getting the patient to the hospital.
Recovery can vary by the severity and location of the injury, the age and health of the patient, and how well the patient responds to treatment. The initial healing of a neck fracture usually takes several weeks to several months. Physical therapy is often part of the treatment process. Even after the neck fracture heals, victims may have to contend with permanent damage or paralysis.
Complications of Broken Bones from an Accident
While being out of work for weeks or months at a time is bad enough, in some cases, a broken bone never fully heals and victims must contend with a long-term disability.
If a disability keeps you out of work or requires you to get another job, you might be facing tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills and no way to pay for them — not to mention no way of making ends meet and supporting your family.
What can I do if my broken bone keeps me out of work?
If your broken bone is keeping you from working and making a living, you might have options. If your accident resulted from another party’s negligence, you might be able to hold that party accountable and recover compensation for your injuries.
Injury claims are complicated, but with the car accident lawyers at The Law Offices of Hilda Sibrian™ fighting for you, you will not face this alone. Call us today at 713-714-1414 to schedule your free consultation.